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City of Cedar Hills

10246 N Canyon Road, Cedar Hills, UT, 84062, US


City of Cedar Hills

Eagle Scout Project Application

      Photo by Carlos Caceres

I. Applicant Information

Full Name

Full Address

Date of 18th Birthday

II. Parent or Legal Guardian Information

Full Name

Full Address

III. Scout Leader Information

Full Name

IV. Project Information

Does the project pose any safety concerns? Who is going to monitor the safety of the project? Who will provide safety equipment, if needed?

V. Funding Information (Cost Analysis)

List materials, tools, and supplies needed to complete the project. Also list where you will get them and how much they will cost.

Will there be sufficient leadership and parental guidance? Explain who will be monitoring the project.

VI. Sign

Signature of Scout Leader or Parent/Guardian

Choose how to sign

VI. Sign

Approval: By City Employee Only